Selecting power valve method Holley 4160

Update so car is running great but when I’m looking at my vacuum gauge at Wot I have 1 inch of vacuum, then once the secondaries open I believe it hits 0 inches.

Does this mean I need my secondaries to come in a little quicker?
I'd say the way to test whether changing spring opening effects power favorably or not is on the drag strip. The answer on whether there is an actual advantage to a lower vacuum will depend on the intake and engine, maybe the exhaust too. A little vacuum can help the fuel mixture and distribution even though in a perfect world the lower the vacuum the higher the efficiency.

@AJ/FormS @Mattax , the car runs great I ended up with 68/74 jets 10.5 PV, my thing now is it’s 90% but there’s a slight delay believe on the tip in when I mash the pedal, not a bog just a slow reaction to WOT for about a second or less.

I installed a 35 Nozzle when I first got the carb, the stock was a 31 Nozzle, should I try to go back stock and see if it gets better or worse?

It could be the delay is too much t-slot exposure. procedures for "Wild" Camshafts&f=false
It could be too much, or too little initial pump shot. So you could try 31 again and see if it helps.
It could be a little slack in contact with the pump cam, or the shape of the pump cam. Green has a sharp initial rise.