K-frame alignment?

Yes that's a good suggestion! I may do that before I put it back up! Hopefully it's all good! On another subject, I pulled the torsion bars and they came out fine! I have identified them right and left. I counted the pivot bolt turns on taking them out, but have been reading about installing them that it is required to clock them or the keys correctly. I did not mark how they where clocked, didn't know I had to, so am I going to have issues going back in? I'm doing this without a shop manual and have had trouble finding one!
There is only one way you can clock the key and get it to work. You can't turn it dowward too far because it runs into the adjuster. You can turn it too far skyward, but you should be able to just look at that and know it's wrong.

Just a little bit past level is where you want it, then wiggle it around until the bar slips in. It won't go in the front until the hex lines up in the rear.