Outboard question

My Mom is in bad shape, my brother's are going thru things and have a dumpster there. I was asked if there's anything I wanted from there and Dad's old 7-1/2 and the '70 115 are the only things I spoke for. I'm the last one to have run either, the 115 was last started in 97, the 7-1/2 was not long after that, both were last run til their carbs were stone empty, I'm thinking I could put gas and water to with and they should both fire right up without much hesitation. Neither one has been wet, inside or outside, since I last ran them. The last 2-3 times that dad's 7-1/2 has been run it's been in a barrel just to let it run. My 7&1/2 power head is in pieces. I went to overhaul it and for some reason the pistons seemed to hit something inside the block when I put the new rings on the pistons slid them in and bolted them to the crank.
The last time they were on the back of a boat they were in the back of the same boat both running as twins.