Outboard question

That certainly could be. The breaker points might get a little corroded, on the older one, so be ready to clean them up. Condensers are ALWAYS suspect. Regardless of what the internet says, there is no way to test them without a high voltage (at least 100V) cap tester for leakage, and one that also tests for capacitance. As I said earlier, I do not use automotive or oem type caps. I use electronic plastic film or orange drop caps. 200V or more rating

I've often suspected, that on the breakerless CD ones, that sometimes the capacitor goes bad and must be reformed. They are in the CD box, so you can't--at least not easily--change them. If you get no spark you might pull the plugs, toss some oil in the cylinders and crank it 10-20 seconds and see if it starts to spark. I had a 74 50hp that mysteriously had no spark, and started diagnosis. Sometime into that it suddenly started working