Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yes. I think pump shot....

The issues continue..........................:BangHead:

I totally agreee with google maps. I learned on the trip to MN and we will bever use it again................:bs_flag:

We are now using Waze.:thumbsup:

Yep Tim just called and told me they won't let his car in on the trailer.
Said he is giving you his passes and sticker. And heading home.
Yeah it’s total Bs. But I’m gonna try to make the rest of the venues to get his stuff stamped and his goodie bag. Hopefully….
6500? Extra zero? how many really registered?

Google maps: Not too bad on the regular computer. Sometimes I print off a few key things and then also draw and write out whatever else I need or think I need. From there I do it the old fashioned way - paper maps and ask directions. @71GSSDemon can vouch for that! so can the Rays.

On the 'smart phone', its the one app that should have kept me a user. Yup. Slow, and sucky. Then wastes more bandwidth asking me questions. F that. If I replace my current flip phone, there's newer version that allows the Waze app which would give a try for avoiding traffic congestion.

Kindof exactly how they are handling the youtube user interface.
Found a fix here using Ublock which is already on my browser How to Undo YouTube's Terrible New Layout
Not an extra zero at all. 6500ish is the official registered across all pass types. They usually announce the total the start of the third day to see who all officially checked in.
Tim just called he took Simone and they went to have lunch. Drove past were he could see the lot he couldn't park in. It's now full of Trailers, cars, and motor homes
Yes it was. I had a conversation with one of the event staff at the check in tent after Tim left. It’s a very subjective and loose. This was the second person who told me to have Tim email the company about it @Mopar Tim
That's weird.
Was hoping with all the gearheads there he would find a tranmission guy or two and get some trouble shooting help.
This many cars and they way they beat on them at the venues, you’d think you

I think he was just disgusted, and wanted to hear from the guy who built it first.
Damn shame Tim and his wife are good people.
Yep and they are great people.
Dam that sucks. That one was on his bucket list also!
Yep and I’ll do what I can to make the rest. I thought for sure it’d been me leaving early not Tim
Went to discount tire to get trailer tire fixed. Right across street a new mariot. Have room at roadway inn. Screw that place. Looks bad. Got new room at new hotel. So new were the 3rd guest they have had....
A nice bar and bistro. So some good .....
Nice! We’re at the camp ground next to a Camaro group from Power Tour

I am. Simone is madder.
Yeah she was not happy
Disappointing for sure. Chalk it up to an adventure.
It is