Outboard question

LOL I cannot imagine dealing something that big without power tilt/ trim. I bought one of those aftermarket units for my boat. It does work but they are a POS Completely poorly engineered. Because of the way the unitized (china?) hydraulic unit works, the leverage is all wrong. Also the engine prop depth is not the same for a bolt on/ clamp on. The thing is, I sometimes change engines as I have other outboards. You must use a 2" riser to get the clamp on engine to fit, unbolt and lower the tilt unit by that amount.

I believe it is this one and it is rated for 130hp

I actually have a couple of tilt/ trim units off outboards and have been seriously considering reworking them to allow "just" the unit to be mounted, and then an outboard in turn, either clamp or bolt on, to be mounted to that. I am getting old and tired. it takes time effort and money. I am getting short of all three.