Stop in for a cup of coffee

Psh it’s go time! Gotta admit this is kind of a cool site to see waking up

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Enjoy the day!
Would this resolve my dead-gauge issue? I figure the voltage gauge thingy gave up the ghost, so I lost the fuel gauge.
Still think I'd be better served to just put a new harness in
It needs a complete circuit. Then troubleshoot. Troubleshooting the gage circuits is pretty straightforward. Solutions not so much so but all doable except the accuracy of replacements. RTE is/was making a IVR replacement that better mimiced the pulse feed.
I wonder if it would work for my situation??
Need the grounding clip for sure.
I call those people "Askholes" I have them everywhere

I have a so called friend that doesn't know which end of the hammer to hold. I do have to hand it to him he has desire. But if I show him and explain the idea of a handle he argues that it can be held with a better grip by gripping the head. And he calls all the time!

I find the worst engineers and architects just tell you and don't ask because they're confident they know.
The askholes are the ones that ask and then don't listen, and often then ask again. Whether its the neighbors or people on here, if you don't say what they want to hear, its ignored. Or they snip out of it what they want, then blame me when it doesn't work out.

I'm not as helpful as I used to be. The people who want my experience and knowledge are willing to pay - and if they don't listen - at least they had the respect to make it worth my effort.