Thinking of switching from M1 single plane to LD340 but LD340 would need to be milled to fit. Is it worth it?

I'd rather use a vic340 w/7 /16 spacer blended aka used in the plenum development.
The m1 is nice, but it does better AS IQ52 SHOWED US IIRR by machining a plenum insert/spacer that equalizes the shape toward a square bore carb.

That manifold was developed with/for a spread bore carburetor. Be it flow or distribution issue... the issue exists.


Gotta agree with this. Being that the M1 was an upgraded copy of the Holley Strip Dominator and retaining the spreadbore carb pad for ease of the regular guy to just swap on the TQ and class racing that demanded the stock carb be used, it’s not a bad intake at all. The Edelbrock Victor is just simply better though.

I had Pittsburghracer port my M1 single plane with good results.
He said he never ported one before and was impressed with the intake. Considering its age and design of yesteryear, it did pretty good.

The hardest thing about wet fuel intakes is and always will be fuel distribution. The MoPar engines book has tips to help this for the as cast intake. But it does stipulate that the mods are for use with a 750 Holley. Everyone should keep that in mind. Once you take the grinder to it, all bets are off and flow testing of each port is on. Let’s face it, while your there & if you have the ability, flow testing each port for the maximum benefit and return should be done.

For the average guy, way to expensive to do. A huge PIA for the ported. Results will vary depending on engine build, so predicting power out comes and gains is impossible. Or close to it.

Overall, the M1 (and the Holley Strip Dom) is a good intake.