Electrical Issues

Afternoon FABO family,
Let me know by saying, I’m a novice with some previous automotive knowledge.. I’ve pulled and replaced an engine 40yrs ago and thought sure, I can do that again…
So today, I have a 66 Barracuda that had the 273 2bbl & 904 tranny. I pulled it and replaced it with rebuilt 1976 360LA, 4bbl and a rebuilt 904 tranny. I survived that project but I’ve found myself with a couple of issues, could be related to the engine swap or just a “gremlin” that was bound to happen with a car that’s 58yrs old.

Electrical Issues:
1. Battery is drained overnight. The new Denso 60amp is pushing 14.5 to the battery. Just no juice next day?

2. No Brake Lights when pedal is depressed? Worked fine before?

3. No running lights when switch is pulled. But I have headlights and turn signals?

Overheating Issue
1. After a short drive 5-8miles and get antifreeze being pushed out of the overflow. I’m installing manual gauges this weekend to see actual temps. Bottom hose has the wire. 13lb cap, re-cored original 2 core radiator to 3 corr and a flex fan. There’s no fan shroud. The new water pump has the lower hose on the passenger side. Currently has new 180 thermostat.

Could the overheating be caused by timing being off?

Any and all advice appreciate..

Humbly asking,
