What is the ONE thing your A body has you wish your modern car had?

Think I was 19, apprentice bricklayer
Making pretty good coin for the day. Used to get an advance of two weeks and payed at the end of the month. Month end came, I needed a car as I wrote the old one off. Walked around the lot at Agaizz motors in the back was a 72 nova 4 door blue 250 six power glide. Bought the car registered it, replaced the pitman arm filled it up with gas and beer and only used half my paycheque. Drove that car to work for 5 or 6 years. One of the best cars I ever owned. Then one of my so called buddies borrowed it and rolled it. He gave me $500 cash and took the hit on his license Autopac our public insurance gave me $1200. I kept the car sold it to an auto body shop for parts for $200. Yup one of the best cars I ever owned.
We had 250 in the chey work vans. And the 225 in the Dodges.
They were both kind of vans were dead nuts reliable.