Roller lifter conversation

If you look at a stock block you will see 16 huge holes in the middle of each lifter bore. What happens is the band of the roller goes up past that hole letting oil escape instead of going to your bearings. To compound this point the lifter bores are worn from being 30 plus years old. The best way to address these is to bronze bush each lifter bore. It averages in cost 600.00 but probably more now. I used copper house water line (1/2 inch inside 5/8 outside) to do mine. I tried stainless tubing last time on my president engine but would not recommend that. You can block the other side by tapping the hole and blocking the passage with a set screw. Please please please understand this whole procedure because if you miss drilling one hole your bearings will not get oil. I have two old books with this whole procedure and get them out everytime I do this job.