Indy 360-1 Cylinder heads on small block LA's

good morning, back from a weekend at the track. We had decent weather, not the best conditions but at least dry. Track was good.

Engine / Car ran good, it feels definively stronger in the upper rpm range - pulls to 7000 hard. I got 5 runs with the first ones all over the place, had to adjust to the new combination a little. Got a new PB (10.44), a new best top speed (129 mph) and a new best 60ft. (1.47s). All of that in different runs. Unfortunately the newly installed steering box gave up with a lot of play, input shaft moves in and was no longer safe to drive. I´m pretty sure a 10.3 would have been possible with more rpm in the first two gears.

so all in all the old standard port setup wasn´t that bad. considering the cost i´d probably would have done better with a set of Bloomer SB Heads. I´ll get the steering issue fixed and will get more track time - unfortunately due to work schedule not this summer....earliest end of the season. I think another cam change is necessary to get more gain out of the cylinder heads - we´ll see what i come up with ;-)

You had fun and didn't break anything, so it was a good outing. What were your 1/8 mile numbers?