Nicks Garage 383 build

So...? The new valves caused no valve clearance? I find that weird. The pistons don't seem to be anywhere near zero deck and the cam doesn't seem to be anywhere near .500" . Not there to measure it so....Must be.

This is a great opportunity and I'm glad Nick is taking this approach with even making another video....Now we really see the dilemma an engine builder can go through. If we do this it costs X but makes power do this, If we do this it takes more time and $$$ and it does this, and so on and so forth. I see Nick asked for feedback no less than three times in the video, so lets hear it. How would you "FIX" this 383? And NO I'm not involved, I 've already said I don't do stock 383's, but then again this one is not turning out to be very stock is it? J.Rob
You quoted me, does that mean you’re asking how I would fix it? I would have approached this entire build differently and I probably would have said no in the beginning, these “fix it, it don’t make enough power” deals are a fool’s errand when the budget is as limited as this one seems to be. But if I did take it on I would have done a LOT more measuring and testing before a single nut or bolt was loosened from that engine. It appears to me that Nick is guessing at likely possibilities and he’s going to try each one until one of them gives him the results he wants, then say “I knew I could fix it”. Maybe he does that for content IDK, part 1,2,3,4 etc. Anyway, I won’t even venture a guess as to what’s wrong with it without having more info, as it would just be a guess. But I’d bet a dollar a turbo would work.