understanding a low oil pressure 360

This was a discussion I just had with a real live GURU engine builder. Mr Devine.
He told me about rod clearances on the sides. aftermarket being more clearance than stock rods. we discussed the very thin oil not getting restricted and allowing oil to pass by these clearances while the crank is turning. and while stationary the clearances are restricted due to no movement. basically, the discussion was more about pressure not necessarily about engines. understanding that good pressure is, the one you want, and too much pressure could indicate a flowing problem and too little pressure could mean many things including a bleeder around a heart or the pump not working correctly sucking air etc.

oil ports yeah got two up front, the one by the dizzy there as well and the one that is in the oil pressure gauge port is 7.5 inches down, I measured it on a suggestion from another post.
I did not plastigauge the rod clearances. yes, this was a mistake one I doubt I will make again. but We live life with our mistakes just not ever again. I did the prelube with intake off and I did not notice oil coming out of these spots because I wasn't looking or even thinking about it. next time I have an intake off I will look for it.

The result that I was told to go with: change the oil to a 10w40 break in oil (also suggested 30w as another option even said 5w30) change the oil filter. lube the engine again manually spinning pump. then start it. wait for pressure to come up. shut it down quickly if it doesn't come up.

will post results after an oil change.
If that guy, whoever he is, thinks oil pressure is related to rod side clearance, then he should be called a "idiot" not a "guru" that IS not your problem!