SM Head Modifications on a budget

Cut the new 2.055 valve job this morning. It's 70-60-45-30-15 with the 60 deg cut around 0.120" wide, the 45 degree cut around 0.055" and the 30 degree cut around 0.060". The 15 deg cut width varies with the chamber, but it's around 0.050"-0.080" in most places. The 70 deg cut is around 0.080" in most places. Throat size still at 1.823 avg, so 88.7% with the new valve size. No hand blending at all yet.

The 45 degree seat is a little wide and the 30 and 60 degree cuts may be a little wide as well. I don't mind recutting to see what change it makes.

Here are pics of the valve job, one showing the valve after lapping. Contact patch looked good to me, right at the edge of the valve and fully contacting the seat.

Flow data for the 1 angle and 30 degree back cut valves also shown below.







