The thrill is gone?

Maybe it's just me, but....

As a young child I played with Hot Wheels, Matchbox cars, and Tonka trucks. Couldn't get enough of 'em! A few years later I got into building scale models (cars, tanks, planes...), and I think I built about 40 of them before I was 10. When I got a little older I plastered pictures of cars all over my bedroom. When I was a teenager I absolutely devoured anything and everything automotive related, it didn't matter the Brand or Manufacturer. And when I was 16 and got my DL...Man! I couldn't wait for the latest issue of Hot Rod and Car Craft to arrive so I could dream about all the things I was going to do with my Minimum Wage savings! Hours and hours I spent pouring over catalogs, parts books, and all of the Ads in the back of the magazines. Then I got a job selling auto parts, and I worked my way up to being a Store Manager for NAPA. Still had the Passion....

Fast forward about 30 years...

When I was at MITP a couple weeks back I met a number of people my age or older who seem to still have this Passion, and while I thoroughly enjoyed meeting every single one of them (you, perhaps?), I think something has changed inside, as my Passion for all of this seems to have diminished considerably. For instance, now when I go out to shed/shop to work on one of my trucks I think of it as "work", and not "fun", anymore. I don't look at parts catalogs, couldn't care less about the "latest and greatest" HP gizmo, I've almost given-up on watching YouTube videos (Life's too short, IMO), and overall, the Passion seems to have died.

And for the first time in I don't know how long, I didn't even think of going to Back to The 50's at the MN Fairgrounds this year.

I think I'm burned-out.

Does this sound familiar to anyone, and is this temporary? I sure hope so, 'cuz I have a helluva lot of money tied-up in tools, parts, and Projects.