rebuilding an alt

70's squareback. can I rebuild this at home & if so what areas do I attack? I have one that O'reillys says is only putting out a few volts iirc. O'reillys has a pulley puller if needed. thank you for your time. RR
Depending on what you have at home, and what isn't working.
Only putting out a few volts? I have no idea what the ___ that means. They probably don't either.

The the tests are in the shop manual and pretty easy to do. Actually really easy to do.
You'll need a multimeter to read ohms, volts, and preferable a second one but otherwise just one that can read up to 10 amps.

Now if a bearing is shot, or anything in the pulley side needs the pulley off, then you'll need a puller and a press. Put if its just electrical then its just basic tools you already have.