The thrill is gone?

IF you did not listen to that Allen Jackson song, please do.

If you live long enough, you will wake up one day and say, wish I had done such and such when I could. One day, you will not wake up.

If you live long enough, one day you will wake up and realize you have outlived most of your friends and relatives.

I'm 76, woreout. But I still receive large amounts of pleasure from the build, the fixing that project to make it run, figuring out the things I should know but don't, I love just the site (art) of it. When it's too hot or I am too sore, I wait for a better day, knowing one day I have hit the end of that road. Thats when I just go out and fire it up and listen to it run. Maybe a short run down the blacktop.

I have had a passion for old cars and livestock all my life. Quarter horses, cattle, (even had hogs awhile) boer goats, good dogs and good cats. But when I got where I did not depend on them for a living, I found that love for that animal AGAIN that somehow the work I had to put in had deminished that feeling that I had at the start of it all. Life is cracked and broken bones, torn muscles and tendons, and lines on your face and.... Today, I can't really climb on that horse, but I still feel the love for that animal. I only ride wild horses in my dreams as the song says. :thumbsup: