Quarter Mile Gear Selection

Insurance is the biggest issue. Tracks have closed because of the cost increase.
The days of racing all weekend for 50 bucks are long gone.

A lot of it is our own fault and we brought on 1/8 mile racing. In my Daytona I crossed the finish line at 160mph. According to sanctioning rules we were required to pull our parachutes. I didn’t as my car even with keystones short shutoff stopped fine. My buddies much faster dragster stopped fine too, until it didn’t. Bob came about as close to dying that day as any racer cares to do. Two weeks later I guess the racers voted. I must have missed it but I hear it happened. When Norwalk switched the Halloween Classic to 1/8 mile we cried like babies. I lost Thursday night at 16 cars two years in row at 4:30am. This race was a 128 car field. One of those years I was scraping the ice off my lexan windows. Now with it being 1/8 mile racing is over usually before 11:30. We all love it now.