340 6 Pack Accelerator Cable, & Return Spring Brackets.

Some more 1970 340 6 Pack parts that i have identified for sale, from my stash, hoard, scrounge, accumulation of parts from 40 + years ago.

These parts are the accelerator cable mount bracket, and the return spring bracket, mounted on the intake manifold.

Sell both at $70.00 bucks, plus whatever the mailman will be wanting to your zip code.

Payment, Pay Pal, or postal money order.

Any questions, send me a pm thru this forum, and i will get right back with you.
Thank's a lot.

Jim V.

340-6 Pack Brackets #2 001 (Small).JPG

340-6 Pack Brackets #2 003 (Small).JPG

340 6 pack linkages on manifold (Mobile).jpg