Nicks Garage 383 build

Why is putting it into perspective being a party pooper ?

At lot would be happy with his number's, it ain't a knock at him, I'm not a fan but I wish him all the best and more, but some seem to disregard any youtube video as a quick cash grab scams, but it's probably a slow tedious grind for most of these guy's, look at all the trouble and effort Nick has done with these 3 videos, for probably a grand in gross $$ at best.

You are missing the whole point. The people viewing are actually interested in the content that he is putting up.

You are twisting it all around and it is going right over your head.

Get your hands dirty and find out what this is all about.

Nobody cares how much money Nick makes. They are car guys wanting to learn more about their cars. That's why they watch the videos.

Nick enjoys working on the mopars and he likes sharing his experiences and good fortune of being able to do it.

