Maximum Performance N/A 383 build. Input wanted from engine gurus.

Worked iron heads that flow that well will probably cost more than trickflows.
What you have is tricky. 600 hp however shouldn't be super hard to do with what you have.
I bet a low gear set would really help you get that charger moving
I believe that cam is for a very light car, you'd probably need more gear and more converter to make it all work together, something more around 6000 rpm converter flash.
This is the type of input I want to hear.

I think some of the cam companies are just trying to "sell me a cam" and don't necessarily care if it does the job or not.

Schneider gave me those cam specs when I called to spec a custom grind.

Comp was trying to sell me a similar spec off the shelf roller cam grind.

Racer Brown was the only company that I talked to that I think was actually trying to work with me on a grinding a custom cam, And Jim was basically telling me that he dosen't want to touch it without TF heads, of if I can get exact flow data from the Irons.