User Moparofficial not responding..

I want to come back to this and apologize for how I said some things. I consider myself a Christian and I was not a very good representative for Christ here. I'm sorry. My opinion is still the same, but my delivery was flawed. I fail Him daily and I ask for forgiveness from Him and I'm asking it from yall.
Thanks Rob.
Beware, volaredoof is a loserposAhole.
Whenever there's a dispute thread, every asshole that's ever disagreed with you makes an appearance. It's like a tradition.
I listed the part number and posted pictures. Everybody's level of expertise to know what they have in front of them and what they're looking at varies a bunch... and when somebody 'comes up' off of somebody who's ignorant of what they have and they sell it too cheap.. that buyer is always very happy...same can't be said when they themselves don't know what they're looking and go and buy the wrong ****.. now they're angry about it. I'm not on here selling **** that's unusable like some others who don't know what they're looking at who haven't seen enough to know what's wrong with it. Some people are selling garbage and don't even know it. I don't hate them personally... because... they just don't ******* know any better, thats why i you he she and them need to know whats what. Educate yourself. Ask. No question is stupid when you have no idea. This guy bought the wrong ****. Is that my fault?
I'm deciding whether to let this ship and let him be responsible for his own mistake and reselling it himself, or just refunding it. At the moment I'm busy and this bullshit has become back burner, and for good reason after seeing how he went about it.