The thrill is gone?

Maybe it's just me, but....

As a young child I played with Hot Wheels, Matchbox cars, and Tonka trucks. Couldn't get enough of 'em! A few years later I got into building scale models (cars, tanks, planes...), and I think I built about 40 of them before I was 10. When I got a little older I plastered pictures of cars all over my bedroom. When I was a teenager I absolutely devoured anything and everything automotive related, it didn't matter the Brand or Manufacturer. And when I was 16 and got my DL...Man! I couldn't wait for the latest issue of Hot Rod and Car Craft to arrive so I could dream about all the things I was going to do with my Minimum Wage savings! Hours and hours I spent pouring over catalogs, parts books, and all of the Ads in the back of the magazines. Then I got a job selling auto parts, and I worked my way up to being a Store Manager for NAPA. Still had the Passion....

Fast forward about 30 years...

When I was at MITP a couple weeks back I met a number of people my age or older who seem to still have this Passion, and while I thoroughly enjoyed meeting every single one of them (you, perhaps?), I think something has changed inside, as my Passion for all of this seems to have diminished considerably. For instance, now when I go out to shed/shop to work on one of my trucks I think of it as "work", and not "fun", anymore. I don't look at parts catalogs, couldn't care less about the "latest and greatest" HP gizmo, I've almost given-up on watching YouTube videos (Life's too short, IMO), and overall, the Passion seems to have died.

And for the first time in I don't know how long, I didn't even think of going to Back to The 50's at the MN Fairgrounds this year.

I think I'm burned-out.

Does this sound familiar to anyone, and is this temporary? I sure hope so, 'cuz I have a helluva lot of money tied-up in tools, parts, and Projects.
You are not alone!! While I do still "play with cars", it's not as much a priority anymore. Before, I couldn't wait till the local dragstrip opened up for the season so I can go beat up my vehicles... Now, I'm lucky to go once a year... not to race but to watch others race. I'm quite content on driving my newest acquisition (in avatar) to take my wife to go get an ice cream cone or just drive it around. No longer need to get as much HP out of my engine to be the fastest (there is always someone faster). I just want to enjoy it and not constantly work on it. Getting too old for that. (56)