Wheel center color

if you get a little creative with your technique, if you do multiple light coats holding the can about a foot-16" away, you also get some good texture. at under $10/can and available just about anywhere (ace, walmart, meijer, home depot, menards, etc) it's hard to beat and good enough for me compared to like $30/can for the actual dark argent from resto paint suppliers. here's extreme close ups of a large bolt pattern center I did for my car for my BBP/disc brake conversion before figuring out the distance/dry technique for texture

and a SBP center from my old wheels because they were a bit scuffed from sockets taking the wheels on/off, using the dry/distance technique. both were painted using the same can (got 8 centers painted and still have a little left). pro tip: use electrical tape to mask the perimeter, blue painters tape or electrical tape trimmed with a razor blade for the center, that's what I did.
