The thrill is gone?

It ain't just you, I don't have the desire to spend a lot of time in the garage these days, or the finances to do a lot of things that I would like to. I sold my 75 Dart Sport last fall because it just didn't make me feel like I expected it to.
I still have the 76 Ventura, and I am doing a fair amount of work on it before it hits the road this year, but the motivation is missing. I also have a 68 Dart GT in my garage that my brother bought a few weeks ago, it's a really nice running and driving car, I've had it out a few times and I enjoy driving it. I have all the tools now, and a hoist, but the energy and the desire are in short supply.
I still have some of the 1/25 scale plastic models that I built as much as 50 years ago, been a gearhead for as long as I can remember. I think it just means that I need a little bit of a break from feeling like I have no time for 'me'. I'm seriously thinking about buying another motorcycle, it's been about 18 years since I sold the last one and I am kinda missing the feeling of being in the wind and feeling the freedom of riding.
Then I watch some youtube videos of all the morons on the road today and it makes me wonder if I can survive another crash with an idiot driver. Back to work time now.
Thanks, Randy. I saw your post regarding the work you've been putting-in on the wheels, and while I'm sorry I didn't respond, they really do look good!

Funny you should mention "me time", as that's what my wife keeps bringing-up. As in, "When do you (meaning me) get some "me time"?"

I guess I've always considered it a rhetorical question.