The thrill is gone?

You are not alone!! While I do still "play with cars", it's not as much a priority anymore. Before, I couldn't wait till the local dragstrip opened up for the season so I can go beat up my vehicles... Now, I'm lucky to go once a year... not to race but to watch others race. I'm quite content on driving my newest acquisition (in avatar) to take my wife to go get an ice cream cone or just drive it around. No longer need to get as much HP out of my engine to be the fastest (there is always someone faster). I just want to enjoy it and not constantly work on it. Getting too old for that. (56)
Some of this sounds pretty close to home.

The day I proposed to my wife (2nd marriage for both of us) we went to Dairy Queen to celebrate in our own quiet way, and in the parking lot was a really cool, old REO truck. We got to talking with the owner, and he said he traded-in his Camaros and Corvettes when he retired, and hasn't looked back. What really blew me away was when my fiance (now wife) responded to him and said, "One of Jim's dream cars is a Model A". (I didn't even know she was listening to me!) Anyway, my wife and I were talking last night, and instead of "banking" the cash when I sell one of my trucks in a month or so, she suggested I go out and buy a Model A instead!

We'll see.