The thrill is gone?

A couple of weeks ago, while looking at the usual hotrod sites, I saw a drop dead gorgeous 2013 Camaro SS. ( Don't hang me yet). My 73 year old mind started working overtime and I decided a great hotrod that only requires cleaning and driving sounds really good at this point in my life. I have tried several times to contact the salesman but we can't seem to make a connection. Then last night after supper I told the wife I was going to take the Plymouth out for a spin and I would get dog food while I was out.
A couple miles from home a car pulled up beside me at a stop sign and hollered over, beautiful car, light em up. Like an old fogey I said, tires are too expensive. At that point I decided what the hell, and boiled them through the intersection. I didn't go over 45 the rest of my ride, had a great time just driving with no particular place to go, after dog food that is. This morning, I'm not too sure I need the Camaro.
We had a 2011 Shelby GT500. It was a great car. Pretty damn fast for something off the showroom floor. Got tired of over protecting it from assholes who don't care. Ended up selling it. I miss it... except for the tax bill we got for it every year :BangHead: