User Moparofficial not responding..

The only thing I really disagree with is how some here judged Justin by his gruff personality in the past. They automatically condemned him, based on that, which hasn't a thing to do with his business character. Justin and I have had words in the past. Slap cussed each other out on here. I can guarantee you that I would never rip anyone off and I know he wouldn't either. He was judged improperly based on nothing by people who've never done business with him. That was unfair. Some of yall should be ashamed.

I think he showed exactly who he is in this thread alone. He took a guy's money and then called him a spaz and told him he needed meds after going 4 days without communication with the buyer. Doesn't matter if it's a holiday weekend, you don't take someone's money and then just disappear for 4 days without updating them on what's going on. On day 6, he sat on the part and said he was contemplating what to do with it but didn't have the time to think about it or care at that point. On day 7 he said he's going to ship him the part even though he knows the guy has no need for it. That's 7 days until the part was shipped with zero communication for the first 4 and nothing but insults for the next 3. That's all I need to know about a man's character.

I think it's obvious that I'm not the leader of your fan club but if you bought something from me, I'm going to make sure I stay in contact with you and let you know if I'll be out of town for a few days or can't ship the part until a certain day. If you get back to me in between then and tell me that you made a mistake and have no use for the part and would like a refund, I'll just refund you the money. I'm not going to wait 7 days and then ship you the part to teach you some sort of lesson.

Especially if I'm selling a non A body part on This isn't To me, it's on the seller to specify if their part isn't for an A body and this part wasn't.