User Moparofficial not responding..

The "buddy" at FedEx is his wife. Little chance he was going to have a problem getting it back. And if he pushed pause he knew the transaction wasn't complete or he wouldn't have pushed pause. Add that he had enough time to do all of that but not respond to the buyer?

Should it have gone public (late Monday, BTW)? Maybe not. Regardless of private or public, the seller had time to see the message and infer from just the header that the deal was going south and should have responded before the buyer had time to go public.

Communication, communication, communication. The seller didn't have any and so we find ourselves here.
Well, when I’m up north working, I can call home, if I stand perfectly still, find a place that has service, and even then it usually drops the call. Internet? Forget it. So, he can maybe call his wife and tell her to pause the shipment, but where’s the package by the time that happens? See, it’s easy to guess what the details were when we’re sitting here, but the fact remains, he thought the transaction was complete, but all of a sudden he ends up dealing with halting the shipment, debating whether to refund and get the part back or not, and then seeing this thread and the feedback. And, he thought the transaction was complete. All because the buyer didn’t run the part number. And somehow he’s the asshole?