Found my dads original 1971 duster!

Well guys, I just got home from Saskatchewan with my car and I’m sitting here in tears. Too much to type on here, but he pretty much ruined my dad’s car. The body and paint are terrible, the body lines and gaps are terrible, the interior that is installed is absolutely horrible. He’s pounded my stainless window trim flat with a hammer to try to make the rear quarter windows fit…and you can still fit your finger between them and the body. It would fill the car with water if it rained. He said he couldn’t get the car running. It’s really bad.
I don’t even know what do do at this point. He is the biggest loser, con artist that I’ve ever met in my life…and believe me, he knows how I feel. I need to spread the word about him, because he will be doing this to people every day. Ruining their lives, hopes and dreams