Found my dads original 1971 duster!

The best way possibly to hammer this motherfucker is to call your local news station. We have a station that does a segment called 5 on your side. I really think your story would interest them. They will try to contact him and go to his house ON CAMERA. Just a thought. Next. DO NOT beat yourself up!! This has happened to guys that have been in the hobby for years. There is a special place in hell for this guy.
Thanks a lot. At this point I am really beating myself up. There were so many red flags. That’s what’s so evil about people like him. They know that you want it so badly that you will ignore the bad and the lies, still holding out hope that you’ll get your dream car back in the end. Even though my intuition was telling me that he didn’t have a clue and was lying the whole time, I still wanted it so badly and was so deep into it with money and emotions that I ignored it.
As he was begging for an extra day while we were driving down to pick it up, I asked him how on earth he thought an extra day would finish it. He said that he had 2 guys hired for the next day. So I told him we would give him an extra day. Instead, we stopped in by surprise the next day at 10:45 in the morning and aa expected, he completely lied and there was nobody there. I asked him where his hired help was and he said that it was the guy out building his deck, but he didn’t need him at that moment. I said “where’s the other guy you said you were hiring from your church?” He just looked at the ground with no answer. He is truly a piece of ****. As he knew we were driving down, he did absolutely nothing on the car. Despite telling me that it would be finished