Found my dads original 1971 duster!

I would not beat your self up, hind sight is 20/20. The guy promised he would do top notch job, then decided to be a scum bag lying piece of **** and screw you over. I am so sad and so mad at the same time that pieces of **** can take other ppls money knowing they are gonna **** em over in the end. Low life dirt bag lying piece of ****.

Most lawyers will take a phone call for free. They can tell you fairly quickly if there is a legal path here.
Thanks man. He said so much crap. In the beginning I told him that people were telling me that it wasn’t possible to build a car in 4 months. He laughed and said that he could do it easily because he had the knowledge and was a true mopar guy. He also wrote that if I got it to him soon, I may even be driving it by that sunmer instead of by fall (2 months from when he got the car). Looking back, every time I asked for pricing etc, he would say “call me” etc. Because he didn’t want it in writing. So obvious now that he does it to people all the time. I gave him 20k down and he said he didn’t want a cent more until it was finished. A few months later, he asked for 16k more because he really needed to order my parts (which he has already told me the 20k was for). I objected, but ended up sending it. Then a few days later I asked for the parts list that he ordered. He said “I haven’t ordered yet, I can’t find a credit card to use”. I said “well I have a credit card, so give me the list and I’ll order it and have it shipped to you”. He replied “we can’t do that”. Then claimed he “found” a credit card to use a few days later. Just a total con artist/scammer