SM Head Modifications on a budget

I kinda wish you would have left the 70 degree cut untouched and the throat at 90%. I cut my valve job in when I’m about 80% done with a head. After that I carefully remove any lips in the chamber and blend everything in the chamber to the valve job. I remove the lip left from May valve job in the bowl around the whole bowl. I Will slightly modify the 70 degree angle at the short turn only enough to lay it back into the short turn. At this point my common wall is straight, pinch is set, roof height is set, bolt bulge is long gone, floor is set at about 80% of my desired height before the valve job checking it with calipers up through the valve pocket across the floor and the deck surface. Then after the valve job I set my finished dimension of the floor so I can final shape my short turn and shape it into the direction I desire the airflow to travel. (Center cylinder and away from the cylinder wall)
on the common wall side. You can NOT do this with a one inch sanding roll. This is where thinking in 3D has its benefits and looking at everything from every angle pay off.
Perhaps I got the cart in front of the horse, but this was another move by Joe Average. On PBR's head this was a bad move. Was it a bad move on Joe's?