What is the best/worst you've done when selling at a swap meet?

I don't know whether this qualifies for your "Best / Worst" question, but back in the mid-'70s my ol' man bought out the remains of a F_rd dealer that had been closed for years. There were a bunch of things we could use for our own projects, but he had to take all this new crap, from the fifties, that nobody wanted. All sorts of NOS trim, horn buttons and rings, lots of useless stuff like that for, like, Victorias and Sunliners, and things like that that no one cared about.
Also a bunch of Model A crap, like a big box full of transmission gears.

We used to go to Carlisle every year, before there were any spaces inside the track, and right after they started to put vendors there, and we couldn't get rid of any of that junk.

We got to where we'd make a deal on something someone wanted and force them to take a NOS F_rd hood ornament or whatever, which they probably threw out.

As far as "worst," we had that box of gears, and after a certain point, I just started chucking gears in random directions at random intervals. I was a teenager. It never occurred to me that they had to land somewhere. Fortunately, nobody seemed to have gotten hurt.

Finally, one year, I'm pretty sure we just left boxes of that stuff next to the trash cans when we left.
Maybe that was "worst."

- Eric