What is the best/worst you've done when selling at a swap meet?

Same show, I had a bumper jack.
Guy asked how much. I said $20.
He haggled and haggled and berated the item and haggled and wouldn't let up.
Finally I said, give me five bucks and just take it...to get him outa my way.
As soon as the money changed hands-
He starts jumping up and down and yelling "I sure got you, har har har"
"that's for a 67 super sport, I got you real good"

I just didn't have the heart to tell him it was for a 72 skylark.
i hate people like that. i get it that we're at a swap and there should be a little haggling and that's fine. but don't be offering me 10 bucks and a burrito for something both of us know the retail on.

when somebody chirps about it, i just tell them buy it online and pay tax and shipping then. i've got the room to keep it, and it's not like it's milk and it's gonna go bad.

at this past spring fling, the sunday swap is generally a lot lighter than the madhouse of saturday. so it's pretty early, and not a lot of people and this dude and his posse cruises up and he starts pawing thru all my brackets and hardware and such-- mind you all of this is cleaned and organized, mostly labeled-- and pulls out a 904 shifter lever...

he grunts: how much?
i say $10
and he goes: i'll give you $2
so i say: no thanks. that's okay.
and he snorts: it's sunday and there's nobody here, you're lucky i'm even offering
so i say: it's still early. you can keep your money, might need it if you find something else.

you can almost *hear* the eyerolling his crew is doing. this is obviously old hat for them.

about half hour later a guy comes up, says hi and do i mind if he digs thru the hardware boxes. then pulls the lever out of the box and says: how much? and i say: you tell me man. and he hands me a $20 bill, when i go to break off some change he says keep it.

anyway, nickel dick timewaster dude comes cruising back by later looking for the lever and shaking up all my hardware and i'm all: what's the deal chachi? you're junking up my junk, man.

you still got that lever?

nah man, i sold it.

he grumbles and gripes at his buddies who just pay him lip service while two of them proceed to buy about $60 worth of brackets and hardware off me.

swap meets be weird, man. mopar people be weird, too.