JR Dragster

It's the video games and phone I tell ya. lol
When I was a kid I couldn't wait to get on a dirt bike and drag cars. My dad and uncle got me hooked.
Didn't have jr dragster when I was a kid, but I did race motocross and short track starting at 12 years old, raced until I joined the corps at 18.
Drag racing started when I was old enough to drive

I think I’ve told this story before but it’s a good one.

When I was 6 years old, my dad stopped drag racing and bought a 650 twin Triump. They took off the lights and put knobbies on it and out to the woods they went.

We all had bicycles but no dirt bikes. I think my dad had been riding for about a year and he was getting ready to ride the next day, Sunday.

He wanted to drive over to the house of one of the guys going with him to get everything sorted out.

This guy lived in an unimproved road that had a big vacant lot next to his place.

So we are driving up the road and I look over into the field and there is this guys nephew, blasting around on some mini bike. A my size mini bike. I didn’t even know they existed at that point.

I went full on bat crap crazy. I realized you could ride a bike with a motor on it and never pedal that beeotch.

My dad didn’t let me ride it that day but I wanted to.

We couldn’t get home fast enough to tell my mom I wanted a dirt bike. Then my mom went nuts on my dad for letting me see the mini bike. He didn’t know it was going to be there. He was as surprised as I was.

My mom gave me the hard MO on a dirt bike. She almost divorced my dad over it she was so pissed.

I kept on my mom (my dad tapped out…he wasn’t taking that bullet) and by the summer after my third grade year I got my dirt bike.

My mom never went riding with us, and when we got older she wouldn’t watch us race. She didn’t watch us playing football either. She just worried in silence.