Oregon cam regrind cost?

A flat tappet is what he told me to regrind using my core.
First, Ken is an AWESOME guy and has been spot on with the recommendations he has made for the 4 cams he has ground for me - two were against what I thought I wanted & I'm SO happy I listened to him. For the last two, I just shut up & listened after giving him the engine specs.

Now, to the OP's question. You said..."It's a roller cam I'm reusing the original lifters." Then above you say he told you to regrind a hyd roller into a HFT? I'm just questioning your use of 'flat tappet' and that you're sure you & Ken are on the same page? Or are you saying Ken wants to regrind your HFT core into a hyd roller? Sorry, it's really late & I need some sleep.