73 Duster build named Fred

Car didn’t slow down. You dialed
Yourself out of it.
Agree it was an aggressive dial but the car definitely slowed down. I wasn't running it out all night and the weather was improving. I made one hit after the final round done and it ran a 10.32 @ 130 with a short 1-2 shift.

Originally had 10.34 on the window but my app predicted a 10.28 based on conditions. It is usually pretty darn accurate (got me to the finals in Yakima 2 weeks ago) but for whatever reason it was way off the mark on this run. Only variable was the car was hot having just made a pass 15 minutes prior.

Here's a comparison of my 2nd qualifier and round 3. You can see the conditions had improved quite a bit yet the car went slower. Again, it was after a hotlap so that was the only variable with the car.
