I'll get around to it eventually...

Woody, Ive seen some that are as much as 1/2 turn off center. You can center the wheel yourself if you have the stock steering wheel. I ask because the stock steering wheel has a locate notch.Aftermarket do not Aftermarket you can move it a spline or two. Stock you set it as driven straight and look to see which tire is toed in and the other should be toed out. Then set the wheel dead ahead as normal. Turn the tie rod for the toed in, 1 turn out and the the other side 1 turn in.If the wheel is slightly off then use 1/2 turn or less as long you change both rod ends equal amounts. Just my 2 cents.

Thanks, yes, It's a 3 spoke steering wheel and I never realized it was off center since it tracked fine. I was puzzled that the alignment shop told me it needed centering after the alignment was done. :wtf: I didn't realize the steering wheel has a splined notch until I had the steering wheel off to replace a turn signal switch. You're right, I saw on this forum that tie rods could be adjusted to center it without needing another alignment. I'm waiting for my neighbour to help me with that.