73 Duster build named Fred

My little Rocky. I wanted to name him Spike and get him a spiked collar but I couldn’t think of spike at the time. So Rocky he is. He was a great little dog. Found him in a parking lot.


Daisy. A rescue too. At about 9 months old she was attacked by a pit bull and she was paralyzed from half way down her back and back.

Her owners brought her in to put her down. My vet refused to do it without trying to save her first. They got her fixed up and called me to see if we’d take her. I’m an idiot and a moron so we brought her home. She’s a good little dog. It would have been a shame to put a dog like her down without trying to save her first.IMG_0178.jpegIMG_0313.jpeg

The first picture is Cinnamon. We got her in 2022. She was exactly 8 weeks old and she basically came out of a puppy mill. My biggest mistake was not taking at least one more dog out of that litter. Or a couple more. She is a great dog.

The next picture is Daisy trying to eat Cinnamons head. I have video somewhere of Cinnamon dragging Daisy through the snow.


This is Roxy. She’s the oldest dog we have. She came off the streets of downtown Yakima Washington. She was pregnant and living in a homeless camp. She was trying to get into the wife’s office and the wife caught her. One of her coworkers took her home and she had 3 pups. Then we took her. So another rescue and a good little dog.

These two are Nala. We’ve had her just over a year. If we didn’t take her, she was going to go live with some drunken bum in a pick up camper. He didn’t want her but he’d take her.

We drove a couple of hours to get her. I couldn’t let her live with that *** jacker.

She a good dog. She and Cinnamon have some epic battles out in the yard. The run and chase each other and carry on.

All four are rescues and all good dogs. Of course they are all females so it gets a little nuts around here sometimes.


Edit: I got some pictures out of order but you can tell what dogs you are looking at.

This last one is Cinnamon on a sub freezing day playing ball with me. I think that day was in the single digits for a high but that dog it could be 90 below and she’d still chase that damn ball.