User Moparofficial not responding..

I agree, buyers fault. Buyer needs to be more direct on what he needs. Part #, more precise on his needs or application. Saler, may not have all the answers, so buyer needs to do his due diligence. Buyer should send back on his own dime, as well pay the original freight. Saler will refund the balance after any of other expenses taken out. This is the reason I don't ship. Packaging, postal fees and the trip to sen
Yea what a show, and everyone is confused about what happened. I bought the part from him, and before he shipped it I realized it was wrong for my Slant. I tried to speak to him and he ignored me for 3- 4 days. I figured I was getting the shaft, so I made the post. Not until MeMike said he should give me a refund 7 days later did he respond or tell me what he was going to do. Yea he posted the part #, so what! Again, I don't operate that way with people. I would have maned up and said "Ok I'll re-list it brother." He wouldn't say either way If he was going to ship it or give me a refund- no response at all for 7 days.