User Moparofficial not responding..

Yea what a show, and everyone is confused about what happened. I bought the part from him, and before he shipped it I realized it was wrong for my Slant. I tried to speak to him and he ignored me for 3- 4 days. I figured I was getting the shaft, so I made the post. Not until MeMike said he should give me a refund 7 days later did he respond or tell me what he was going to do. Yea he posted the part #, so what! Again, I don't operate that way with people. I would have maned up and said "Ok I'll re-list it brother." He wouldn't say either way If he was going to ship it or give me a refund- no response at all for 7 days.
sorry man, you must have the wrong thread. This thread is about cats:poke: