David Vizard - Which to prioritize - PORT FLOW or PORT VELOCITY?

Its funny hearing people parrot what's too big and what's too small......Dan Smith runs incredibly quick with a head that everyone including yourself claims is too small for the CI.
My point is your always champion the small, carbs, heads etc.. Always citing velocity but you don't seem to know what the ideal velocity.
There's more that goes on in a running engine than just air flow. What's the velocity in the port when the exhaust is pushing back into the plenum?
Yes there's more to a running engine, the whole point of this thread velocity is important but it's at the mercy of what generally available/doable options and what's gonna give the most bang for the buck. Just cause a 318 head can perform doesn't make it the best option in every circumstance like you like to push, and don't mean it's never the right option either.