Real estate question.

It's amazing how greed and entitlement come to the forefront once a death occurs.
Sorry to read and good luck!
Fortunately for me three of the four beneficiaries are happy with the way it’s being handled.
The fourth beneficiary is the one I had to take to court to get her out of the property.

Since I had to hire an attorney anyway, she now owes attorneys fees, fiduciary’s fees and 7 years of back rent at 3-4k a month.
Whatever the judge decides.
Anything she would have gotten from the property sale is long gone, and we could sue her for whatever she falls short on.
We won’t, but could.

The only reason she is getting hammered like this is she told me to F-off and there was nothing I could do to keep her from keeping the property for herself since she was the executor.
Had to take her to court and get her removed as executor and evicted from the property.

None of this would have happened if she would have just done what she was supposed to do 7 years ago, instead of using the estate for her own, screwing the other 3 beneficiaries and of course being the nasty selfish ***** she has always been.