Found my dads original 1971 duster!

I also forgot to mention that on the threaded portion of one of the studs coming off the back of the printed board it looked like possible a wire touched it and arced. (Pretty important thing I forgot to say in other post). I’ll try to get a picture of that
Ahhh. Ok, my bad I guess. I thought someone said on here that if I joined the 2 wires it isolated the system to just be able to run the car without the rest of the stuff working or causing issues. I’ll have a look at those nuts and see. I don’t think I’m comfortable tacking this electrical myself. I’ll try to track someone down. All of the help is much appreciated!!
You can and you did. The danger in doing this was that the cause of the smoke had not been identified yet. Just testing for resistance or continuity to ground would have let you know if there was a serious short.