I’ll bet a lot of wheels are turning since the John Force wreck

Well the news is not real good on John
He sustained a serious head injury and has
been transferred to Neuro ICU.

They say it will be a long Road back for

I have been praying for him, and if you are people
of faith I hope you will join me in praying for his recovery.

He used to hang with us sometimes at the Street Races at
Dunkin Donuts in Yorba Linda (California)way back
before anyone knew his name.

He was always a man of truly great Focus and Determination.
He was the Quarterback on his high School Football team (Bell Gardens Ca.)
even though he had suffered with childhood Polio and hobbled
around with one leg about 2 inches shorter than the other.

As I approach the 80 year mark, I have realized that Desire and
Motivation are the greatest indicator of impending Success!

"Fortune favors the Bold"