A-833 2.47 1st gear change to 3.09

Dan Brewer chimed in and said it would. I’m going to trust him as a solid source. His comments have been the most helpful. A guy that is in the industry. He’s in the manual trans segment of the industry. He has a real world report on 3.09 / 3.23 A-bodies.
It’s not just bias on what I wanted to hear but it’s because it shakes out in the math (no matter what your power plant is or makes). The gearing is better for that rear gear and drivability.
This is all about driveability. I’ve talked several times about parking lot manners. 3.09 helps. I’m satisfied *enough* with the low comp 340 to do the gearing first.

For what it's worth, my combo is a 3.09 first A833OD with a 3.21 gear and a low compression 360. And it works fine for me.