Random pictures thread

A P-51D Mustang (G4-P, serial number 44-14245) nicknamed “Floogie II” of the 357th Fighter Group escorts a damaged B-17 Flying Fortress of the 96th Bomb Group, flown by “Woody” Woodson during a mission.
“Woody” Woodson states that his ship had lost an engine and a second was beginning to fail, leaving his aircraft alone behind the formation over enemy territory. ‘Floogie’ responded to their call for help and provided escort.
The image was taken by the waist gunner aboard Woodson’s B-17 who coaxed the P-51 closer in order to take the image.
Woodson stated: ‘We were hit by flak on the bomb run and lost an engine. A second engine was giving trouble and would not keep up with the formation. We suddenly felt very alone in the skies over Germany. Called the fighter channel on the radio and miraculously a lovely P-51 showed up on our wing in a surprisingly short time. We knew his wing man was above flying cover so we began to relax. A waist gunner had a 35mm camera with color film- a WWII rarity. We coaxed the P-51 closer and closer and this is the picture that resulted. It still brings a lump to my throat when I look at it.’ © IWM (FRE 6100)