I’ll bet a lot of wheels are turning since the John Force wreck

I understand your concern for spectator safety and
the repercussions for deaths.

It was 10 years ago or a bit more while my son and I were
watching Top Fuel between rounds of Stock/SS on top end.
A rear wheel came off Anton Browns Dragster and flew into
the spectators around to fence watching. We hit the dirt but the
was a lady near us in a wheelchair that absorbed the full inpact
of being struck.
Her torso was virtually cut into two pieces and she died instantly =
Nothing we could do to help her!
Nevertheless, the track loaded her into the Flight helicopter and took
her to the Hospital. I asked one of the officials why it happened that
way as she was clearly dead?
He candidly told me "If there is a death at the Track we must stop the
event until there is a Coroner's investigation and we have a schedule to
keep on".